Digital Business Card


$ 20
  • 2-5 contact information
  • up to 3 social media links
  • 1 profile picture
  • 1 logo of organization
  • 1 call to action button
  • 1 click to email button
  • save to contacts button
  • 1 click for location
  • 1 click to website
  • click to payment button (PayPal)
  • Minor Revisions: Once in 3 months


$ 30
  • 2-5 contact information
  • up to 5 social media links
  • 1 profile picture
  • 1 logo of organization
  • 1 call to action button
  • 1 click to email button
  • save to contacts button
  • 1 click for location
  • 1 click to website
  • click to payment button (PayPal)
  • Minor Revisions: Once in 2 months


$ 40
  • 2-5 contact information
  • up to 5 social media links
  • 1 profile picture
  • 1 logo of organization
  • 1 call to action button
  • 1 click to email button
  • save to contacts button
  • 1 click for location
  • 1 click to website
  • click to payment button (PayPal)
  • Minor Revisions: Once in a month